blog / news

Show at Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts
A show of my work can be seen at the Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts from October 17th thru November 15th. An artist reception will take place on October 17th from 5 to 8pm. The show will run concurrently with Snapshot America: A portrait of the United States in 2024 in which I have an additional two images from my new project entitled Steel Towns, River Towns.

robin w bailey image in Aline Smithson Selects 2024
My image: House and Silos at Night — Burlington, Wisconsin will be on display as part of the Atlanta Photography Group’s Aline Smithson Selects 2024 Show starting September 17 and running through October 12, 2024. The juror, Aline Smithson is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Lenscratch.

robin w bailey Show at Quad City Arts in Rock Island, IL
I will be having a show of my work at Quad City Arts in Rock Island, Illinois starting June 30th to August 11th. You will also be able to view the show at: Please join us for an artist’s reception on July 7th at 6-8pm.

John Vachon in Elgin, Illinois
Presented in this blog are a couple of images from John Vachon’s 1941 trip to the town and my recreated images of the same sites in 2022-2023. These images represent just a fun little project that has meaning to me. It’s fun to walk in the footsteps of one of my photographic heroes and being able to contemplate how they went about their own projects on the same streets that I find myself photographing today.

National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis
Jacqueline Smith has been protesting the National Civil Rights Museum for 30+ years, since her eviction from the Lorraine Motel to make room for the museum.

A Look at the work of Frank Gohlke
I discovered Frank Gohlke in the early ’80s. I had heard friends of mine discussing his work and how they had gone to the opening of the installation of his work as large murals in the Tulsa, Oklahoma airport. I was intrigued and tried to get them to talk Frank into doing a workshop in Kalamazoo, Michigan so I could go.